Main Character:

The main character in this game.

aquarzoo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

very cute character that i like the most in the game ^^
finish modeling at this morning
testing the bone is it smooth enough

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Full story(Chinese version):


aquarzoo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

rebuild most of the models

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today learn how to export dts with mapping
also i build an other 3D character: the old ghost
these are the videos how the characters like in the game
and the testing texture
wait for the 2D artist  to complete the texture~

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spend a day to learn how to export dts and dsq
the result show in the video
but still have a problem that the weapon is in the 0 0 0 position...

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testing  the dsq exporter
because the "exporterPro" have bugs
this testing box need the 3ds max 7 + the max2dtsExporter6 plug-in to build and export

I have try the max2dtsExporter6 plug-in and it can't run in 3ds max9

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AI player is add in the game
i use the FPS starter to test the AI function
it seems hard to win all the AI

in the video, there are three AI player

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receive the original 3D model from member
difficult to export .DTS
i think it needs as lease one week to learn how to use the exporting plug-in in the 3Dsmax
something get wrong in the model...
the weapon is now set on the 0 0 0 position

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try to add a adv water plug-in into the engine
but face a problem that torque 1.5.2 have a linking error when build the project
finally, I install the ver 1.5.0 engine to build the project
the effect is great but it expense lots of resources
need to discuss with group-mates use it or not.

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  • Feb 24 Sun 2008 02:18
  • hit hp

by following the tutorial, player's hp GUI is add in the game
player can now hit and kill the NPC(for test)
also we can know the player's HP by the HPbar GUI


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  • Feb 24 Sun 2008 01:57
  • 測試


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