目前分類:programming (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

finish the Opening loop function
now the game can skip the opening
looping the opening when the player do nothing in the main menu page

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  • Apr 15 Tue 2008 13:01
  • swoon

adding a swoon case in the game
while the enemy damage become a certain lvl
it will have a swooning animation
and the enemies will stop their attack

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testing the code to change the model of player,
this will use for the transform mode if it is success.

 the function called when the player colli with the HP kit;
you can see the result by the video below.

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follow the tutorial of sword combat
need to learn how to key a smooth animation for combat

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AI player is add in the game
i use the FPS starter to test the AI function
it seems hard to win all the AI

in the video, there are three AI player

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try to add a adv water plug-in into the engine
but face a problem that torque 1.5.2 have a linking error when build the project
finally, I install the ver 1.5.0 engine to build the project
the effect is great but it expense lots of resources
need to discuss with group-mates use it or not.

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  • Feb 24 Sun 2008 02:18
  • hit hp

by following the tutorial, player's hp GUI is add in the game
player can now hit and kill the NPC(for test)
also we can know the player's HP by the HPbar GUI


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